Chill Winston!
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Thursday, June 30, 2011
Guy Ritchie,
Random Sheet
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Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Music Video: Cee Lo Green - Crazy (Glastonbury 2011)
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Cee Lo Green,
Danger Mouse,
Gnarls Barkley,
music videos,
Emerging Trend of Eco Cars
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carbon dioxide,
carbon monoxide,
Eco cars,
global warming,
greenhouse gases,
Hybrid Cars
The Eco Cars or the hybrid cars are an innovative and right step towards approaching a safer and greener world. We are all aware of the dangers of global warming and we do know that a significant portion of pollutants and greenhouse gases are exhausted from the common cars.
Every day, gallons of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and pollutants are released in atmosphere through the exhaustive system of common cars. While fast moving vehicles are certain an essential need of today’s world and they do have their advantage, we need to reduce the side effects of these vehicles and this can be done by trying to reduce the rate of air pollution.
Eco cars are the answer for the dangers of pollution through vehicles. Eco cars are eco-friendly, that is, they are a greener option. These hybrid cars use electric energy while running on the road.
Types of Eco Cars
Three main types of eco cars or hybrid cars are available in the market. Plug-in hybrids cars are the most popular as they can run on the power provided by electric batteries. Most of the prominent car producers like Honda, Toyota, Lexus, General Motors, Ford and others have offered their models of Plug-in eco cars in the market.
Another popular type of hybrid cars is the solar cars. The solar cars uses solar energy to run on the road and hence, these are the most clean and environment friendly eco cars. These hybrid cars do not release any kind of pollutant in the atmosphere.
One can also use such eco cars that run on biofuels. These cars completely burn the biofuels without releasing any significant amount of pollutants and hence these are eco-friendly. Any hybrid car, either with an electric plug-in, or with solar panels, or such a car that uses biofuels and releases least amount of pollutant is certainly an appropriate answer for the problems arising because of global warming.
Why to Buy Eco Cars
The biggest motivation to buy eco cars is the fact that they are eco-friendly and hence they are human friendly. General cars are the main cause of air pollution. Pollution certainly harms us in one way or other.
There are many people who claim that global warming is too much hyped, yet even they cannot deny that the air pollution causes many diseases and is ill-healthy. So, even a person who doesn’t support the drive against global warming should be motivated to buy and use eco-cars as hybrid cars are certainly better than fossil fuel run cars.
Petroleum cars exhaust carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide from their engine and these gases are highly unhealthy for our health and for the health of our environment. Carbon monoxide causes a range of problems including severe respiratory problems in humans and other living beings.
Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are the major greenhouse gases that are responsible for increasing temperatures of the earth.
While greenhouse gases are very important and scientifically, life is impossible on earth without these greenhouse gases. However, the regular increase in volume percentage of greenhouse gases can cause serious adverse effects on our earth.
Hybrid cars are the best option because these cars don’t exhaust green house gases and rather than consuming petroleum, they can be operated through electric energy. Thus, eco cars are a hopeful solution for sustaining greener, healthier and beautiful earth. The less we use petroleum driven cars, the safer will be our earth and since we cannot avoid using cars, using eco cars or hybrid cars is best option.
Supporting and using eco cars also provide new job opportunities. People are becoming aware of the dangers of global warming and the price of petroleum is also going sky high. Because of this, people are willing to replace their old cars by opting for environment friendly hybrid cars.
Because of this increased demand, more companies are introducing eco cars in the market. As they need to manufacture more eco cars, they need more workers. Thus, by supporting eco cars over the common cars that we use at present, we can create a wave of employment that will help our economy.
Every day, gallons of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and pollutants are released in atmosphere through the exhaustive system of common cars. While fast moving vehicles are certain an essential need of today’s world and they do have their advantage, we need to reduce the side effects of these vehicles and this can be done by trying to reduce the rate of air pollution.
Eco cars are the answer for the dangers of pollution through vehicles. Eco cars are eco-friendly, that is, they are a greener option. These hybrid cars use electric energy while running on the road.
Types of Eco Cars
Three main types of eco cars or hybrid cars are available in the market. Plug-in hybrids cars are the most popular as they can run on the power provided by electric batteries. Most of the prominent car producers like Honda, Toyota, Lexus, General Motors, Ford and others have offered their models of Plug-in eco cars in the market.

One can also use such eco cars that run on biofuels. These cars completely burn the biofuels without releasing any significant amount of pollutants and hence these are eco-friendly. Any hybrid car, either with an electric plug-in, or with solar panels, or such a car that uses biofuels and releases least amount of pollutant is certainly an appropriate answer for the problems arising because of global warming.
Why to Buy Eco Cars
The biggest motivation to buy eco cars is the fact that they are eco-friendly and hence they are human friendly. General cars are the main cause of air pollution. Pollution certainly harms us in one way or other.

Petroleum cars exhaust carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide from their engine and these gases are highly unhealthy for our health and for the health of our environment. Carbon monoxide causes a range of problems including severe respiratory problems in humans and other living beings.
Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are the major greenhouse gases that are responsible for increasing temperatures of the earth.
While greenhouse gases are very important and scientifically, life is impossible on earth without these greenhouse gases. However, the regular increase in volume percentage of greenhouse gases can cause serious adverse effects on our earth.

Supporting and using eco cars also provide new job opportunities. People are becoming aware of the dangers of global warming and the price of petroleum is also going sky high. Because of this, people are willing to replace their old cars by opting for environment friendly hybrid cars.
Because of this increased demand, more companies are introducing eco cars in the market. As they need to manufacture more eco cars, they need more workers. Thus, by supporting eco cars over the common cars that we use at present, we can create a wave of employment that will help our economy.
Tips for smooth and sexy skin
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Beauty tips,
glowing skin,
Healthy good skin is very important for improving overall sex appeal in men and women. In general, we concentrate more over our bodies and shapes, however; we often ignore our skin and often fail to feed our skin properly so that it may get adequate care.
Yet, the fact is, skincare is very important and you simply cannot afford to ignore it if you are willing to attain all round self confidence. Obviously, your self-confidence will make you look sexy and smart.
Ageing of skin is one of the greatest worries as it makes the skin lose firmness, suppleness, glow and vitality.
The following skin care beauty tips may help you to attain that sexy young skin back.
1) Skin Creams: a variety of skin creams are available in the market. Some of these skin care creams are efficiently effective if used in a proper manner.

However, the major issue related with using any skincare cream is that once you stop using that cream, the improvements attained because of its usage gets revert.
Certain skin creams which include constituents such as alpha hydroxyl acids, coenzyme 10, antioxidants or kinetin are considered better.
According to researchers, these specific constituents help in bringing back the sexy youthful glow back to dull dry skin rapidly.
2) Be alert about your skin: It is necessary to remain attentive towards your skin and its glow. Observe any imperfection if it is their on your skin as it is one of the most important beauty tips.
If you observe general problems such as pimples, acne, freckles, or irregular patches on your skin, it would be better to consult with your dermatologist to find out the major cause of these problems.

Acnes, pimples or freckles may be caused due to irregular and unhealthy eating habits of it may be because of your lack of sleep.
On the other hand, these problems can also be because of hormonal imbalance.
Rather than smearing your face with any facial cream that may cause irritation, it would be better to determine the actual cause of your skin problem as that will help you to eradicate it completely and effectively without causing any loss to the glow of your skin.
However, if you are suffering with some serious, incurable skin problem, you may take help of plastic surgery.
3) Importance of Personal Hygiene: glowing sexy skin is essentially clean skin.
Some of the good habitual routines such as washing your face before going to bed and washing it again after rising up from the bed will certainly help you as these are routine facial skin that will improve the glow of your sexy skin.
These simple steps of personal hygiene will work for you by eliminating makeup, dirt, dust and oil from your skin and face.
Going to bed for sleeping for long hours with the oil, grime and dirt still on your skin will them to get deep inside in your skin pores and that will cause blackheads, whiteheads and pimples.
If dirt, dust and oil will clog the pathway or pores of your skin, it will face difficulty in breathing too.
4) Reduce alcohol consumption: a drunken girl may seem seductively sexy at some times. However, alcohol is certainly dangerous for the glow of your skin.
Alcohol contains acetaldehyde as its active component. Acetaldehyde is able to effectively keratinize living cells.
Alcohol and its active content acetaldehyde can cause irreversible liver cirrhosis.
When alcohol can cause this much damage to your liver, you can imagine how much dangerous it is for your skin glow.
Alcohol consumption may result in malnutrition because it restricts proper re-absorption of essential nutrients which are in fact, vital to your skin and your overall health.
5) Provide enough nutrition for your skin: Nutrition, good fats, good fats, better and healthy eating habits and proper exercising are certainly the best way to attain healthy, sexy, glowing skin.
Yet, the fact is, skincare is very important and you simply cannot afford to ignore it if you are willing to attain all round self confidence. Obviously, your self-confidence will make you look sexy and smart.
Ageing of skin is one of the greatest worries as it makes the skin lose firmness, suppleness, glow and vitality.
The following skin care beauty tips may help you to attain that sexy young skin back.
1) Skin Creams: a variety of skin creams are available in the market. Some of these skin care creams are efficiently effective if used in a proper manner.

However, the major issue related with using any skincare cream is that once you stop using that cream, the improvements attained because of its usage gets revert.
Certain skin creams which include constituents such as alpha hydroxyl acids, coenzyme 10, antioxidants or kinetin are considered better.
According to researchers, these specific constituents help in bringing back the sexy youthful glow back to dull dry skin rapidly.
2) Be alert about your skin: It is necessary to remain attentive towards your skin and its glow. Observe any imperfection if it is their on your skin as it is one of the most important beauty tips.
If you observe general problems such as pimples, acne, freckles, or irregular patches on your skin, it would be better to consult with your dermatologist to find out the major cause of these problems.

Acnes, pimples or freckles may be caused due to irregular and unhealthy eating habits of it may be because of your lack of sleep.
On the other hand, these problems can also be because of hormonal imbalance.
Rather than smearing your face with any facial cream that may cause irritation, it would be better to determine the actual cause of your skin problem as that will help you to eradicate it completely and effectively without causing any loss to the glow of your skin.
However, if you are suffering with some serious, incurable skin problem, you may take help of plastic surgery.
3) Importance of Personal Hygiene: glowing sexy skin is essentially clean skin.

These simple steps of personal hygiene will work for you by eliminating makeup, dirt, dust and oil from your skin and face.
Going to bed for sleeping for long hours with the oil, grime and dirt still on your skin will them to get deep inside in your skin pores and that will cause blackheads, whiteheads and pimples.
If dirt, dust and oil will clog the pathway or pores of your skin, it will face difficulty in breathing too.
4) Reduce alcohol consumption: a drunken girl may seem seductively sexy at some times. However, alcohol is certainly dangerous for the glow of your skin.

Alcohol and its active content acetaldehyde can cause irreversible liver cirrhosis.
When alcohol can cause this much damage to your liver, you can imagine how much dangerous it is for your skin glow.
Alcohol consumption may result in malnutrition because it restricts proper re-absorption of essential nutrients which are in fact, vital to your skin and your overall health.
5) Provide enough nutrition for your skin: Nutrition, good fats, good fats, better and healthy eating habits and proper exercising are certainly the best way to attain healthy, sexy, glowing skin.
And now Oprah pees for ten minutes...
Posted by
Oprah Winfrey,
Killer Elite (trailer)
Posted by
Jason Statham,
Robert DeNiro,
Jason Statham...stop making the same movie please. Thank you.
Wondiferous, not a real word but should be really!
Won-dif-er-ous –adjective [wuhn-diff-er-us]
1. excellent; great; marvelous; wonderful; fantastic; amazing: We all had a wondiferous time at the party.
Screw repairing the Porsche, use it as target practice!

An anonymous owner of a Porsche 911 donated his troublesome car to a local gun club rather than pay more than $20,000 to have it fixed. The wealthy motorist was so fed-up with the car's constant engine problems he was happy to see 140 members of the Massachusetts club Comm2A fire 10,000 bullets into it. Photographer and gun enthusiast John Beauchemin says: "By the end of the shoot, the Porsche was so perforated that it was folding in half under its own weight. It was hauled off to the junkyard on a flatbed."
Giovanni dos Santos's stunning goal for Mexico against the USA in the Gold Cup Final
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Tottenham Hotspur,
Say and hate all you want, but this is a stunning goal. I truly hope Tottenham keep this kid.
How to find Quality Corvette Parts at Genuine Rates
Posted by
Sunday, June 26, 2011
C5 corvette parts,
C6 corvette parts,
Chevrolet Corvette,
Corvette car parts,
Z06 corvette
Since 1953, when the Chevrolet Corvette cars were introduced in the world market, Corvette cars have proved themselves as finest and obviously highly popular American sports cars.
With improved looks, better technology and upgraded performance, new models of Chevrolet Corvette are regularly being launched in the market.
Fuel prices are reaching skies and that is why everyone nowadays looks for such cars that will prove to more economic and that is why specifically improved low-powered Corvette cars are gaining popularity among customers as they seek ways to meet the expense of driving these beautiful and attractive automobiles.
However, a lot more depends in your hand to keep your car perfectly fit, impressive and fuel efficient.
It is necessary to provide proper attention towards your car with proper maintenance and repairing works whenever it is required.
Finding genuine Corvette parts is not very difficult.
In fact, one can easily attain reliable engine parts and accessories for a Chevrolet Corvette 1996 and other newer models such as Corvette C5, Corvette C6, Corvette Z06 and others.
A proper research will let you know why genuine Corvette parts are so costly.
Many corvette car dealers prefer to keep all available C6 corvette parts in stocks and then they sell these Corvette parts at higher prices.
Corvette parts are obviously rare and this is because of the fact that only a few people use Chevrolet Corvette.
Since the car dealers stockpile all important corvette parts, customers suffer and are forced to pay higher prices when they need genuine parts for the repairing work of their Chevrolet corvette cars.
They are forced to pay inflated prices of C6 or C5 corvette parts.
In addition, customers cannot rely upon unauthorized dealers because these unauthorized dealers often cheat and provide corrupt, duplicate or near-built C6 corvette engine parts and these duplicate parts are also sold at steep prices.
The best way to attain genuine C6 or C5 corvette parts is to opt for online shopping.
Internet shopping for Corvette engine parts and accessories will ascertain that you will get genuine and properly checked corvette parts.
You can easily check the authenticity and reliability of an online corvette parts provider.
You will get these genuine C6 corvette parts right at your home and that too at affordable and honest prices.
Online shopping will also allow you a chance to check genuine prices as you will be able to compare the prices, discount offers and shipping charges for the delivery of required C5 or C6 corvette parts at various online shopping marts.
These online shopping centers will also offer many ways for improving the looks and impressiveness of your beautiful Chevrolet Corvette car and you will also attain many tips about how to keep your Corvette car fit, fine and beautiful.
Specifically built corvette car covers can also be attained through these online shopping stores.
With improved looks, better technology and upgraded performance, new models of Chevrolet Corvette are regularly being launched in the market.
Fuel prices are reaching skies and that is why everyone nowadays looks for such cars that will prove to more economic and that is why specifically improved low-powered Corvette cars are gaining popularity among customers as they seek ways to meet the expense of driving these beautiful and attractive automobiles.
However, a lot more depends in your hand to keep your car perfectly fit, impressive and fuel efficient.
It is necessary to provide proper attention towards your car with proper maintenance and repairing works whenever it is required.
Finding genuine Corvette parts is not very difficult.
In fact, one can easily attain reliable engine parts and accessories for a Chevrolet Corvette 1996 and other newer models such as Corvette C5, Corvette C6, Corvette Z06 and others.
A proper research will let you know why genuine Corvette parts are so costly.
Many corvette car dealers prefer to keep all available C6 corvette parts in stocks and then they sell these Corvette parts at higher prices.
Corvette parts are obviously rare and this is because of the fact that only a few people use Chevrolet Corvette.
Since the car dealers stockpile all important corvette parts, customers suffer and are forced to pay higher prices when they need genuine parts for the repairing work of their Chevrolet corvette cars.
They are forced to pay inflated prices of C6 or C5 corvette parts.
In addition, customers cannot rely upon unauthorized dealers because these unauthorized dealers often cheat and provide corrupt, duplicate or near-built C6 corvette engine parts and these duplicate parts are also sold at steep prices.
The best way to attain genuine C6 or C5 corvette parts is to opt for online shopping.
Internet shopping for Corvette engine parts and accessories will ascertain that you will get genuine and properly checked corvette parts.
You can easily check the authenticity and reliability of an online corvette parts provider.
You will get these genuine C6 corvette parts right at your home and that too at affordable and honest prices.
Online shopping will also allow you a chance to check genuine prices as you will be able to compare the prices, discount offers and shipping charges for the delivery of required C5 or C6 corvette parts at various online shopping marts.
These online shopping centers will also offer many ways for improving the looks and impressiveness of your beautiful Chevrolet Corvette car and you will also attain many tips about how to keep your Corvette car fit, fine and beautiful.
Specifically built corvette car covers can also be attained through these online shopping stores.
Time Management: The basic mantra for success is Time Management
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Friday, June 24, 2011
Time Management,
Time Management Software,
Time Planning
The basic requirement for anyone who is trying to explore ways for managing their resources in a proper and optimized manner to attain effective results through their efforts is Time Management.
Importance of being time prompt increase because through proper time management, one can not only attain satisfactory goals they have set for their own self as a professional in any stream of their life including business, recreational activities or public services.
Proper time management let us allow to use the limited time we have in the best possible order so that we may enjoy the very important moments of our professional and personal lives in a comfortable manner.
The fundamental principle behind proper time management that works is, "one should focus on results and not on being hectic".
At the end of the day, it is not how hard you worked that counts, rather only results of your endeavors can provide any satisfaction for your soul and that is why it is important to plan your endeavors in a channelized manner.
Why Time Management is Necessary?
It is a general problem. People often fail to manage their time and hence they fail to meet their professional working deadlines to deliver desired results.
Such incidences bring and in fact increase frustration from within. It also is not a good professional sign and may mar many professional progressive opportunities.
Delays often lead to pile of pending work and just the huge amount of pending work may create depression and high level of stress to the worker.
This not only creates tensions and health hazards, it turns out to be extremely detrimental for their performance as a worker.
Hence, not only your health, but your quality of work will also suffer in absence of a proper time management system.
A person with professional mannerism of time management on the other hand, remains in a position where he can enjoy a stress free satisfactory life.
In addition, proper time planning also provides such situations for a professional where he or she can convert higher percentage of his or her efforts in satisfactory results. According to 80:20 rule, one can achieve 80% of focused results through 20% of proper time management.
Time Planning through Time Management Tools
The first step towards attaining proper time management plan is to look for the techniques that may help you in achieving proper time planning and management.
You must be able to visualize your goal much before you may start acting to achieve them successfully in a managed and well planned manner.
Prioritization of your actions is most important aspect of time management. Time is a rare resource and it is constant, it cannot be increased nor can it be bought.
That is why, it is necessary for a professional to be clear and considerate about his or her priorities while thinking for time management.
Another important aspect of proper time management is to audit your time in a proper manner.
Auditing your time management plant will lead you to assess and improve yourself and your time management plant until you achieve the best possible time management schedule.
Traditional ways of auditing time includes building of time charts for goals and priority list and mark each of the goal or priority that have been achieved within the proposed time and to mark those goals and priorities too which are most important to be achieved within a period of time.
Technology has improved a lot and nowadays, you can achieve much improved time management software that will help you for proper time planning.
Importance of being time prompt increase because through proper time management, one can not only attain satisfactory goals they have set for their own self as a professional in any stream of their life including business, recreational activities or public services.
Proper time management let us allow to use the limited time we have in the best possible order so that we may enjoy the very important moments of our professional and personal lives in a comfortable manner.
The fundamental principle behind proper time management that works is, "one should focus on results and not on being hectic".
At the end of the day, it is not how hard you worked that counts, rather only results of your endeavors can provide any satisfaction for your soul and that is why it is important to plan your endeavors in a channelized manner.
Why Time Management is Necessary?
It is a general problem. People often fail to manage their time and hence they fail to meet their professional working deadlines to deliver desired results.
Such incidences bring and in fact increase frustration from within. It also is not a good professional sign and may mar many professional progressive opportunities.
Delays often lead to pile of pending work and just the huge amount of pending work may create depression and high level of stress to the worker.
This not only creates tensions and health hazards, it turns out to be extremely detrimental for their performance as a worker.
Hence, not only your health, but your quality of work will also suffer in absence of a proper time management system.
A person with professional mannerism of time management on the other hand, remains in a position where he can enjoy a stress free satisfactory life.
In addition, proper time planning also provides such situations for a professional where he or she can convert higher percentage of his or her efforts in satisfactory results. According to 80:20 rule, one can achieve 80% of focused results through 20% of proper time management.
Time Planning through Time Management Tools
The first step towards attaining proper time management plan is to look for the techniques that may help you in achieving proper time planning and management.

Prioritization of your actions is most important aspect of time management. Time is a rare resource and it is constant, it cannot be increased nor can it be bought.
That is why, it is necessary for a professional to be clear and considerate about his or her priorities while thinking for time management.
Another important aspect of proper time management is to audit your time in a proper manner.
Auditing your time management plant will lead you to assess and improve yourself and your time management plant until you achieve the best possible time management schedule.
Traditional ways of auditing time includes building of time charts for goals and priority list and mark each of the goal or priority that have been achieved within the proposed time and to mark those goals and priorities too which are most important to be achieved within a period of time.
Technology has improved a lot and nowadays, you can achieve much improved time management software that will help you for proper time planning.
I'm sorry, but it had to be done....8-bit Rebecca Black
Now imma buss out my Nintendo and get righteous on Zelda. F-Yo-Face!
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 (trailer)
Posted by
Harry Potter,
Finally, it f*cking ends!
What is wrong with people?
7-11 Employee Hit and Run
WTF? And the woman with the cigarette just gets out and strolls away? She literately stumbles out of the open door. What is wrong with f*cking people these days? I swear to Jah we need genetic tests to clear the streets of these ignorant, mouth-breathers!
Read more »
WTF? And the woman with the cigarette just gets out and strolls away? She literately stumbles out of the open door. What is wrong with f*cking people these days? I swear to Jah we need genetic tests to clear the streets of these ignorant, mouth-breathers!
I slept, I cried...Rakim, backed by The Roots, revisits Paid In Full
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Eric B and Rakim,
Hip Hop,
The Roots

Legend Rakim, the infamous Roots band and a small intimate setting at the legendary Blue Note jazz lounge will forever be remembered how the Hip-Hop classic Paid In Full album was honored last night in New York City. The original god MC was a special guest of the Philadelphia band who’s been putting on a series of shows at the lower Manhattan venue.
With lines snaked around the corner from the hotspot waiting to be a part of history, Ra didn’t dissapoint his fans peforming the album in it’s entirety.
Rakim is an MC who hails from the era of hip-hop when samples were the source of most of rap music's booming sounds. Wednesday night, in honor of the 25th anniversary of the iconic and influential MC's debut album, Paid in Full, Rakim performed his seminal classic in its entirety with The Roots providing all the backing instrumentation.
Has it been TWENTY-FIVE years since this album dropped? It's been a long time...
Random Sheet
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Thursday, June 23, 2011